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Recruiter / sourcer specialist #8071078 (Praha, CR)

referenční číslo: 8071078 | aktuálnost: 02.05.2017

People Consulting s.r.o.

Recruiter / sourcer specialist #8071078 (Praha, CR)

Náplň práce

It's an exciting time of growth for one our international client with new projects and new divisions. The continued expansion of the business has created a need to add some exceptional talent to their internal recruitment team.

People Consulting s.r.o. is seeking a right candidate for a job position of RECRUITER / SOURCER SPECIALIST

Your key responsibilities will be: Sourcing & pre-screening & interviewing candidates through a mix of advertising, social networking and other creative sourcing activities as well as liaising with external recruitment providers where required Creating job adverts  Arranging and attending hiring manager interviews, coordinating schedules Updating and maintaining the recruitment database and ensuring data integrity Delivering on adhoc projects as required by the HR team  Essential Skills and experience: Economical Education Minimum 2-3 years of experience internal or external recruitment in the field of engineering and IT or experience in Personal Agency A proactive and result oriented mind-set with a desire to achieve A can-do attitude A great communicator with excellent written and verbal communication skills Strong PC Skills (MS Office & Internet, Social Media) If you are interested in this job opening, please send your CV in English to
or contact me on +420 602 24 00 07 directly.
We are looking forward to hearing from you. 

If there will be no answer within 2 weeks after acceptation of your CV, our client preferred another applicant, who has better fulfilled, according to the sent CV, our clients requirements.
By response to the advertisement or by sending of your CV or potential personal documents to the People Consulting s.r.o. company you agree with collecting, elaboration and keeping of your personal data under the Act 101/2000 Sb., on Protection of Personal Data. This agreement is valid up to it´s written recall.

„Prohlašuji, že na základě mnou zaslaných přesných a pravdivých podkladů souhlasím odpovědí na tento inzerát s tím, že společnost People Consulting s.r.o. se sídlem Za Zrcadlem 184, 251 01 Říčany u Prahy - Babice, IČO: 27960382 bude mnou zaslané podklady využívat ke zpracování za účelem zprostředkování zaměstnání, a to i včetně poskytnutí osobních údajů třetím osobám. Jsem si vědom/a svých práv podle zákona č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, zejména o právu tento souhlas kdykoli odvolat. Pověřuji společnost People Consulting s.r.o. k získávání referencí od zaměstnavatele a k poskytování relevantních informací týkajících se údajů o mém zaměstnání. Údaje poskytuji dobrovolně a z vlastního zájmu a uvědomuji si, že uvedení jakékoliv nepravdivé informace, neuvedení podstatné informace nebo klamání je důvodem k okamžitému zrušení možnosti získání zaměstnání.“
 Pokud nesouhlasíte se zpracováním Vašich osobních údajů, sdělte nám tuto skutečnost a my Vaše údaje obratem vymažeme.

"I declare that, based on accurate and truthful documents sent by me, i agree by replying to this advertisement that the company People Consulting s.r.o. located at Za Zrcadlem 184, 251 01 Říčany u Prahy - Babice, IČO: 27960382 will use the data sent by me for purposes of job placement which includes providing personal information to third parties. i am aware of my rights under the Act no. 101/2000 Coll. regarding protection of personal data, in particular the right to terminate this agreement at any time. i authorise People Consulting s.r.o to obtain references from employers and to provide relevant information relating to my previous jobs. i will provide information voluntarily and out of self-interest and realise that giving any false information, omission of essential information or deception is reason for People Consulting s.r.o. to immediately cease any activities related to the search for my employment.”
 If you disagree with the processing of your personal data, please let us know and we will delete your data immediately.

Obor: Personalistika, HR

Pracovní poměr: Plný úvazek

Minimální požadované vzdělání: Základní

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